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Layavinyasa offers workshops, artist talks, master classes and lecture demonstrations as part of it's community outreach offerings

Introductory workshops to Music and Dance

Workshops on Carnatic Classical music and Kuchipudi dance include segments Melody, rhythm, handgestures or mudras and story telling. Activities can be tailored to cater to age groups and experience level. 



Teacher Training Workshops

Workshops for music teachers that include different genres of Indian music and pieces that can be taught in class to students 







Special Workshops

 'Dancing with Puppets' - A children's workshop introduces mudras or hand gestures and story telling elements in Indian classical dance using puppetry by incorporating fun activities to try out the different components of Kuchipudi





Thematic Workshops


Festivals of India - A thematic children's workshop that incorporates a brief history and legends of the important festivals celebrated by the Indian diaspora. Hands on activities include festive dances, singing, collage and art work







Lecture Demonstrations/Artist talk



This session introduces audiences/participants to Indian dance and music forms  providing an overview of the technique, evolution, and development of Kuchipudi and Carnatic Music - South Indian art forms. As an immigrant artist, Sarada will discuss the social histories and how Layavinyasa has expanded it's roots in the current moment. In an academic setting, activities can be tailored to a variety of disciplines, including Dance, Music, Religious Studies, Asian Studies, Women’s Studies, Literature, Visual Art and Anthropology.




Puppet workshop

Master Classes

A Kuchipudi master class introduces participants to the multi faceted art forms, focusing on the rhythmic, gestural, and expressive vocabularies that are the underpinnings of the form. In addition to active dance instruction, the class explores concepts of aesthetics, theatre, music and movement in Kuchipudi and their ongoing relevance in the 21st century.

Master Class

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